Right Legal Advice is owned and operated by Legal Professional (Senior Law Professors/Barristers/Solicitors). You will get expert advice directly through legal professional on the base of statute and case law, with the option of discussing live through text or voice chat

Contract Law
Contract Law
We are specialist in Contract Law advice. Dr. Zaki (Senior Advisor RLA) is author of a book on contract law (Understanding ; The Law of Contract) and would be able to advise you on implications of applicable terms in a contract of any kind. As per statutes and case law you may not have to oblige the all terms in a contract due to its harshness. So to avoid the liabilities which are not required by contract law, seek an advice in fraction of the normal cost. In our drafting section​ you can also get help to draft a contract.

The Contract Law advice includes from Statutes and case Law, such as ;

(The UK Contract law is primary based on common law, therefore, most of our advices based on the case laws)
​Statutes ;

Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977
Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999
Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994
Sale of Goods Act 1979 and Other Relevant Statutes

Cases ;
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.
High Trees Case
And Other Latest Case Laws.
Private & Confidential
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We will send you the professionally drafted Legal Advice with Reliance on applicable Statute and Case Law , and for follow up questions the adviser will chat with you using our online mechanism ; this can be Text, Voice or Video chat.
Legal Advice is provided with reliance on statute and case law directly by legal professionals, under the supervision of one Senior Adviser
